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Interview Q&A - What is a Soul Ascension Reading? What is a Sigil?...

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

Resonance is an increase in vibratory intensity that occurs at a sympathetic frequency. In the case of resonance with the soul level of consciousness, this means that the physical consciousness is in tune with the sense of purpose that currently exists in the person’s soul. As the soul enjoys greater vistas of awareness than the physical mind, this is a condition which is of great advantage in finding and living ones true purpose in life.

Together, we answer some key questions and review the differences between services. Tune into the resonance of your soul and allow it to decide which service is best suited for you.

Teresa: A soul ascension reading is gazing deeply into a person and seeing all that there is, that makes up their source and soul essence. Connecting with the energetic light body inside their vessel to discover their soul’s archetype and their galactic origins. It’s also diving into their akashic records to fully access their energetic blueprint charts by tracing the soul’s past lives, their karmic cycles and inner wisdom to reveal to the person who they are truly beyond the physical. I am able to connect using my expert level of 7/9th dimension precise vision and communicate with celestial beings to gather this intricate web of energetic patterns and information. In this reading we go one step further and provide a channeled message and a personalized sigil of your soul.

Erika: There are many types of sigils but specifically the one Teresa and I create is catered and personalized to the person’s soul essence in this type of reading. As Teresa is connecting into their inner cosmic world, she translates the energetic imprints and patterns of information that are carried by light codes and sacred geometry. Which I then scribe into a digital keepsake. It’s through the crafting that the automatic writing and channeled message flows through and into a beautiful high quality print that is a little larger than a standard size tarot card. 

What inspired us to create this?

Teresa: With my God-given gifts, in the presence of angelic spirits, I’ve always seen soul signatures on people but i’ve never put the scribes into an art form for them to utilize in their own sacred space. I see souls and tune into its unique essence when Connecting in a soul ascension reading; through our collaboration and creativity together, we birth a masterpiece. 

Erika: It really was a great moment of synchronicity because I was also at a point where I wanted to get back into my artistic side and how we were able to still integrate this with our spiritual gifts is truly meant to be. Our divine purpose is to bring you into your heart portal gateway and rise into higher states of consciousness. It’s a beautiful way for someone to connect with their soul as it shares a channeled message with angelic presence.

 What are the ways in which the Sigil Card can be used after receiving one?

Erika: The purpose of having this keepsake is to be able to see all that you are and remember thyself whenever you look back at the print. To be able to honour yourself by integrating your personal soul sigil into your meditations, mantras, manifestations.

Read More About Our Soul Ascension Reading Sessions

(Picture showcases Personalized Framed Commercial Energetic Clearing Sigil & Soul Sigil Print)

What's the difference between a Soul Ascension Reading and a Psychic/Mediumship/Energy Reading?

Teresa: As a spiritual medium and intergalactic soul channel, I use altered states of consciousness to connect with your source and identify your life lessons -  based on your energetic blue print charts and akashic records, to trace the energy in all quantum realities, and clear your karma to balance the scales within. 

Reclaiming any fragmented soul parts, helping you understand yourself on all levels, and unveiling all of you. Connecting with your soul’s origins and archetype, what your soul is hybridized with.  My divine purpose is to realize your wholeness with infinite possibilities aligning you with your gifts and highest potential. Everyone has a unique soul signature. I scribe what imprint your celestial body has formed as a sigil that represents you from your experiences in all timelines. 

Whereas Psychic, Mediumship, Energy Readings are different and specific readings For instance my psychic sessions are seeing through the mind’s eye to read your timeline to give an accurate reading of events. 

In my Mediumship readings, I bring in messages with Divine intervention through multiple channels: spiritual, galactic, angelic realms, and ancestors that bring in revelations, messages, and warnings. With epiphanies and confirmations that people experience after the session.

An Energy reading is specifically based on the entire spirit: the mental, emotional, physical, and astral body. 

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